Thursday, September 30, 2010

Doijuishy Bulma Vegeta


The darkness was almost complete for some time and were even the flickering fluorescent lights on the curved walls become very rare. In the middle of the tunnel flowed slowly stinking, brown river, and he had on the walls along scan in order not to enter into this water in the waste, dead rats and what not so all was obtained in a large city by swimming.
This was certainly not the way he had come, the problem was that he also did not know by which way he gets in here for actually was.

If only they had not been caught ... Not that this would bring him to mess, to listen to his father who would beat him anyway after the next evening at his favorite bar, but right now he himself would rather be with him than down here.
He and his friends waited at the station until one of the rare late-night traffic the electric trains had disappeared into the tunnel to then follow them.
When they were about to immortalize himself on the wall was, someone approached me with a flashlight on them.
"Stan, run away," he had heard and was running in a corridor at the side of the tunnel.
A rusty metal staircase was He hinuntergehastet through dimly lit corridors of neon lights running at several intersections just bent chance and now he was here.

In his panic he had after every intersection already forgotten where it was ever bent, but if he would admit that now, he would acknowledge himself to be lost, even if it was him, not that confident. It still needed a way to give out here, he would just follow this path.
The water flowed in the same direction in which he went, only that what tore it with him, passed him with ease. The walls were just as wet as the ground on which he stood, and the sound of dripping Water was everywhere in this dark world beneath the city he knew.

A few more steps, then he would again have to leave the circle of light of a flickering blue fluorescent tubes. He felt his way along the wall, reached into a little sticky, which seemed to want him at first did not let go. One of panic he drew near his hand away abruptly, took the step back into the light. Erscheinde a black, sticky substance was left on his hand.
That was definitely blood. Down here was some guy picked off and thrown into the water was, where his body was going to swim forever through this tunnel.
He could wash into the water, in swimming by the same a bloated corpse with a hole in the caffeine in it would ... But no, it was ultimately not a blood but a slimy deposit that was active in the light of Sun

He felt his way further into the darkness until he reached into the void. He lost to simply hold and would fall into the dark void that disguised itself as a wall and had been waiting to devour him.
But the truth was not what he had, despite his young age to expect otherwise. Beside him was another passage that was completely dark, but in the distance a light could be seen. Another fluorescent lamp or a fire that could not be distinguished from here.
was at least the Smell in there weaker, this corridor was not intended to lead to dirty water through it. And somehow it seemed right ... As if someone would tell him, "Take this very passage," Go in this direction, come here ... "

He went up to the light. At the same time it was somehow warmer. Yes, he had the cool air down here even noticed until now ...
Maybe he'd find at the end of this corridor is a narrow rusty iron staircase that led him to the top, back on the streets or in a different U-Bahn station. Something was waiting for him anyway, calling him, in a language he did not understand, but instinctively knew its importance, as it were particularly made for him ... Something or someone ...

The light came closer to the same extent as the lapping of the water away, and turned out to be another fluorescent tube, which was less blue, but spread a reddish orange light in the room in which it was attached. The
at least half a century old concrete walls were indeed dirty, but completely untouched, as if no one came here for ages. On one hand, a thick tube was directly on the wall under the low ceilings, on the other side there is a wrong rusty metal door hanging on its hinges. But no saving stairs to the top.

hello Stan. "He heard a young woman with a gentle voice and turned around startled. No one was behind him, he was there alone.
" Who Is there? "He asked, startled himself about how his voice shaky sounded. Like a little baby who makes the bed, because it's afraid of monsters.
"We can help you." said a second male voice that sounded too young, and somehow seemed appealing, despite the hissing, sort of acting sneaky way of speaking. "You do not want to wander down here forever, right?".

in the gap, which released her the rusty door that appeared a couple of yellow eyes, a face to the inhuman and seemed to belong pointed teeth. Perhaps his imagination had played him only one stroke, he looked away and looked again out there.
And he could turn his gaze even more than the heavy door creaked and squeaked opened.
God damned shit, he did not look there! In movies it always
had somehow something funny when the vampires, werewolves, or mutants in dark corridors of the people attacked and drank their blood and eating their flesh, but this was not at all funny.

was just pushed open when the door finally, he made it after all, to avert his gaze. He would turn and start now to run would be necessary even swim through the brown, slimy broth out there may remember it, where he had entered. And then he would be first in safety, in the light.

But he was arrested. A clawed hand grabbed him by the arm, the monster had got him. He wanted to break away, but reaching only that the claws are deep and painful cut into his skin.
"You stay here, kid." Snapped the woman, or rather the monster.
He felt an impulse to turn around and you see his face. A part of him fought with all its might, he would certainly lose his mind when he turned around, but this part was now powerless.

the understanding he not lost, but it would have been almost prefer it if he had lost it. Instead of a he had to deal simultaneously with two monsters. His arm was released, but he remained paralyzed and just stand looking at them.
both looked kinda like upright walking lizard, but not quite ... They had green, scaly skin, sharp claws on the hands and feet, long tail and yellow eyes. A series of spikes was of a piece of her head and neck down the back.
The females wore a black dress with a plunging neckline (who with her could not develop the same effect as with a human female), which was decorated with numerous steel rivets and buckles, the male a long black skirt with belt and some metal parts, see below only his feet and the end of his tail was.

They were certainly derived from alligators, which were flushed into the sewer system, he thought. They had become more intelligent and now would leave out their anger on the people in it.
No sooner had he brought this idea to an end, began the two beings to laugh when he tells them a good joke.
What was that? The monsters in movies is never a laughing, they just came out of the darkness and attacked.

"Oh, you're kinda cute, kid." Said the female, and made a sound that resembled a mixture of a hissing snake and a purring cat. The male had his arm around his companion and looked at Stan also amused.
"Yes, and a Pizza Place." It said, and grinned at him, who did not know what happened here really soon and really thought I had lost my mind. He had to imagine simple, in fact, he said, perhaps to the closed door that he would only open to get to freedom.

But since he was seized again, he could feel the claws digging into his arm again and the blood flow left. She pushed him gently to the ground and knelt down beside him, her friend to her.
"Do you like to do it?" He asked her, she smiled.
She smiled even more when she saw Stan in the face and approached him, as gently as if to kiss him.
But then he could feel her teeth dug into his neck, a soft blackness settled around him and took possession of him.
He could still see his blood dripping from her mouth and the faces of the two beings to each other over him tenderly approached.


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