Thursday, September 30, 2010

Beach Honeymoon Gift Basket

"spirit" of the cliffs

rose slowly her up the rocky path, the sound of the melancholy melody following, which was heard from above, from the top of the cliff, behind which the last remains of the foothills of the storm of last night was stormy sea. The stones, which lay in the shade were still dark with moisture, as the path led through a narrow gap until it finally up again into the light of so early on rather hot burning sun to return. She was
had from an early age about it, it was a well-known fable, which apparently in her small town made the rounds for ages. Actually, yes since he first saw was from someone, but it had been back in forever. Long they had had any doubts that these stories were true, and even now she did not quite believe it. Maybe yes sat just any fisherman from the village up there, and recovering from work.
But when she finally out of the shadows came and felt the heat, she saw him next to a stunted, but die seemingly never quite endless olive tree sit, which was once planted as a sign of the new peace here, even if this was also a long time ago , perhaps even as long. Right on the precipice he sat, his long black hair over his back to the ground mounted, so that his appearance was almost hidden behind the dark curtain, and played a small flute, as it was friable in these countries. The tune they seemed to want to collect revenue all the way down she finally caught hold and never release to go down into the underworld, to let them dämemrn there forever in emptiness and coldness to himself, and yet to meet with light and energy to it collect up to the gods, which alone would YOU Choose: to be able to experience this wonderful forever and yet strange beauty. She cautiously approached
a few steps when he stopped, but not looked after her, but continued staring out to sea, where she thought she heard a faint sigh.
"Art thou ..?" she asked, but dared not right to pursue the question. "Am I what?" echoed her, however, prevent a further question, clearly filled with bitterness, even if his voice sounded soft and beautiful. "The one from which it is said in villages in deer area? Yes, I probably am, but maybe not. If you are looking for a profound evil spirit, throw thee from the cliff and rob you of your soul, you are too I may be mistaken. But perhaps you are also right here, because who else would they say? "
She was silent. What should she tell him why she had ever come here? "Your game attracted me, captured me. I wanted to see who spread such beauty here."
"If that's so, so you better go back and listen from a distance before you are still plunged into disaster without my intention."
"But ..." "Go!" You should not be here. " he said harshly, and she thought she heard a sigh again, but it sounded not only sad, but at the same time as the hiss of an angry snake, which they like to bite and inject poison into their veins is.
He turned to her and she cringed when she saw his eyes glowing, his scaly Skin, his face, that so does not match the hair looked like one of the lizards, which could be seen lying on a sunny day on the rocks.
you wanted to turn around and go, but those eyes held her down, she could not help hineinzustarren than directly. She thought she heard again the wonderful melody, and she could fight no longer, as well as small fish that are attracted to lights at night to the fishing boats. Through their actions they had long since lost all control. When she finally
could get away from this view and was able to close their eyes, she saw when she opened them again, pinnacles, which broke the sunlit surf them hurtling faster and faster.
And when her father, who had gone off with other men from the village to look for them up here got to wipe in the hot midday sun with a sweat-soaked cloth to his forehead and saw the break-off point, he heard something in the distance, a trigger call perhaps, a warning.
"Come on, we can not do anything more, I fear." said a neighbor and took him away, away from the alluring sound that seemed to echo in his skull.


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