Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Invite For First Anniversary Of Death

As the week starts pretty good

ATTENTION-THE TEXT CONTAINS MANY FEKALWÖRTER, sorry, but otherwise can not describe this day.

This day was to vomit. I now need something first, or anyone to whom I can be mean and spiteful. Remove the skin you alive or something. And then sprinkling with salt. And laugh, haha. lol

Everything ing in the morning, literally "sucks" at. I went to wash your hair into the bathroom and realized that one of my lovely roommate hatches probably something of internal decay in advanced stages. And then it broke well out of it. course on the toilet. Just before I had to go to the bathroom. Why not then?
So began the day. At work .. we are not talking. I'll try to describe a story.

There was once an apple orchard. In this apple orchard 20 people work out to processing apples. And there are two dummies who collect the apples. Now the 20 workers no more apples, but are also partout to fine itself to bend one of the delicious apples aside so that it can be further processed. Instead, they cry out for the 2 idiots that collect the apples. They work like crazy, running from left to and vice versa, to always work in the section that is screaming out the most. And at some point get comments like "Yes to us you care not at all, it's always only that of others! Best to do a handstand so that you see me! "

The two idiots work anywhere. Also in the division, were grumbles from themselves. Then they start to like wild in this department to work, so they get into trouble by 10 others and listen to the same.
Abstract. But effective and understandable.

But eventually, the two revenge vermeindlich idiot. They will eat all the apples alone!

Man man man. Then I wanted to make application photos, so I set off in the short lunch break in the photo studio of choice. The day before, it was pretty empty, all conditions on this day. This time wanted to do there were 3 other characters, the application photos. It should be said: They would have had better chances, could not have formed these photos. It was unnecessary. This money could they have put in a better education.

ultimately, I am still come to my photos, which are due to the weather and my hair (freshly washed but a gust of wind and everything is ruined 3 @ @ Since helps wash only new) has become horrible. But I do now ritzipüh.

Seeking out an avatar now and take care of it by about the sum Commissions, which hopefully will lift my spirits. And I think what they will.


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