Monday, December 24, 2007

Clonk Rage Schlüssel

~ Moonlight Curse

Title: Moonlight Christmas Curse
authors: Ayu & Ihu
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Remus Lupin , Sirius Black
Pairing: ----
table: X -Mas Special 2007
topic: 24th December - All I Want for Christmas
Word Count: 1051 words
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All JK Rowling's (as always at this point). In addition, the song perhaps, part Mariah Carey.


Countries A Hogwarts were gently immersed in white, which sparkled merrily in the setting sun. Many windows of the palace were of warm light comes on and it was a kind of singing in the air, where he mingled with the smell of fresh pine needles and cinnamon sticks. Again and again heard the happy and excited laughter of his classmates.
to itself would have produced the whole thing probably a romantic mood, but Remus could not now enjoy it. Every time he heard her bell-like giggles, it hit him like an unforgivable curse of the heart. He was more concerned as soon as possible to the Shrieking Shack to come before the Moon completely in the sky and he would once again succumb to the curse that clung to him for so long now. The brown-haired boy looking back wistfully, as he slipped through the doorway that led him to his hiding place monthly. This year he would spend Christmas Day alone must in the cold. And at that moment he wanted nothing more than that his friends could be with him.
But he was doomed to lonely and alone in a lie corner of the Shrieking Shack, full of blood lust and pain, rather than with them together and be happy. On days like these, he began to really wonder whether it was ever intended him to be happy.
His lungs began to burn, while his legs carried him running up the dark secret passage along and gave back his steps a strangely hollow echo. So absorbed in his thoughts of fear and loneliness, he barely noticed as he finally to the trap door in the hut which had reached up and slipped it into the old and dilapidated buildings. Like every time he came in here, he felt a second of nausea in the face of so much dust and dirt. The marks his paws from his last visit a month ago, had already faded, but it would now take too much longer before he would draw new in the dust. To ascertain the time, Remus took one of the fogged windows and wiped it off with the torn sleeve of his uniform to see through it. Outside, everything was dark, only a last red stripes lit up the horizon. The lights of the castle and the village twinkled like stars in a white sea.
With a sigh he sat down below the window.
Why now? Why was there no magic with which one could stop the transformation of the moon, at least for a few precious days?
him came James, Peter and Sirius in my mind. Above all, Sirius. He could quite clearly see in front of him, as he strutted through the Great Hall, melted the girls, given its stately appearance and then he settled down for dinner with great behavior was. Unfortunately, Remus would never know what he would say the next morning, when standing up and unwrap their Christmas presents would Gryffindorjungen. The thought brought a wry smile on his lips.

Sadly, he pulled his legs closer to him and laid his head on them. How much he would miss most in his life yet, only because of his curse? This was probably a secret that the time and only after would reveal to.
His thoughts were interrupted abruptly when a searing pain through his body drew and announced the beginning of his conversion. In all the years he had learned that it only got worse the more he struggled against it, so he closed his eyes and tortured it happen.

I do not want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing
I need
(And I) Do not care about the presents Underneath the Christmas tree

I do not need to hang my stocking There upon
the fireplace Santa Claus will not make

me happy With a toy on Christmas day I just want you
for my own More than you could
ever know Make my

wish come true All I want for Christmas is you ...

The hut was dipped in a pale moonlight, he could perceive its environment more accurately. His senses told him that he was not alone in the room and a deep, menacing growl left his throat. Painfully he tried out his rolled-up position and collect accurate the intruder to take a closer look, as a cold nose poke him lightly.
His first impulse was to raise himself to his full height, the teeth bared and claws ready to strike in all human flesh. But his instincts told him that tonight no one would come through his hands to death.
And so he was able to untangle his spindly legs and long werewolf to stand on all fours, when he heard the faint, almost famous howl of the dog. This animal had to be unusually stupid, volunteered to join him in the Shrieking Shack, because usually even the smallest insects avoided his company.
growled Again he waited and that the dog finally got to do with fear and ran away. Because that did all that he had ever seen in this state: they ran away. But who could blame them, he was now a hideous creature.
With a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment, he stared at the pitch-black dog on the right, in spite of all the Threat not moved from the spot. Not a muscle twitched and seemed to reveal his intention to flee. For what or whom was this dog really?
Slowly he pushed himself closer to the dog, his teeth bared white in the darkness seemed too bright. They still did not the dog, but only raised in a gesture of pride his head and sniffed interested. Slowly he put a head on one side and his dark eyes took on a familiar finish. It reminded him of sympathy, regret, familiarity.
He stopped, turned his gaze on the glittering eyes of the dog. He knew those eyes. Although he had never seen before in its present form, but were as a person to him more than familiar. He saw her almost every morning when he pulled aside the curtains of his bed to greet the new school.
A strange warm feeling filled him and his growling now sounded more like a friendly whine. The person from whom he had wanted the most, she could be here standing before him. Sirius had somehow managed. That alone was already the biggest Christmas present for him, what would he ever be able to make. Reassured he settled back down on the floor, curled up slightly and growled happily as the dog slept with him.
He did not know what would happen next, but the morning would not be lonely and be sad.
~ END ~


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