Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dvrw360h Stops Playing

Games People Play ~ 10songs_de: Riddick Harry Potter

Title: Games People Play
authors: Ayu & Ihu (IHU: [info] laseraphita ; Ayu: [info] VampireLady )
Fandom: Chronicles of Riddick
characters: Riddick, Kyra
Pairing: ---
table: 9
topic: # 02 - Flip a Coin (The Kelly Family)
Word Count: 1867 (without lyrics)
Rating: M
Warning: Language
Disclaimer: Riddick and his characters is owned by Universal, and what-do-who I do not and will never belong to us. We also collect any credit. The song "Flip a Coin" is from the Kelly Family and is therefore also not us. We hereby make no money!


Flip a coin flip a coin flip a coin
Yeah, heads I win, tails you loose Flip a coin
Flip a coin flip a coin
Yeah, heads I win, tails you loose

Life is a goddamn game of chance. One never knows what one expects as the next and so sometimes it pisses one but just to. But the more you can enjoy any plan that is evolving just as we would have. If any time you outwitted fate and won the victory. A damn good feeling. It was always amazing how easy it could be underestimated.

The hint of a smile flitted across Riddick's face as he leaned back on the cold wall and the walls Krematorias could affect you. His hand slipped repeatedly on the scaly skin of the creature, which was released to chase to eat. He knew he would not stay long in this prison. No, Jack now that he - or Kyra as she now so used to call - found nothing had kept him here. She could now take care of themselves and in spite of everything He was certain that she would follow him when he left. He could not explain, but the feeling remained. Just like the hot anger that rose more in him if he thought about what it all could have happened to her. What we had done so well with her. Maybe it was his fault that he had not been there, but he had wanted to protect them. He never was a good man and he would never be a come what may. Jack was one of the few things that were important to him and they would have been better off without him, but she had not understood at the time. Actually, he did not know if he would be angry with them or not. She had joined the people on which he had to protect and was finally landed here. She had to go through all that he wished had not. But if he was honest with himself, is also a spark of pride mixed in his anger, after all she had done it.
Now there but yes also the Necros, who had apparently set in the head trying to shed his blood. Not only do they already have a man - were killed, no, he feared that they would not soon cease to chase him - which he regarded as something of a friend. And there was nothing worse than damn annoying types that pursued to the end of the galaxy.

The purring creature on the right patting he noticed a movement from the corner of his eye and a mocking grin settled on his face as he recognized the guy who had bored him on his arrival even with his small-rehearsed speech. Seemed as if the speaker had not seen such a spectacle. When the Furian saw him and gave the red, scaly creature another slap. The facial expression was just beautiful and he was sure that it could hardly be better. At least he had thought that before the sirens announced the end of the season. With an almost sad sound, the creature rose slowly and Riddick growled at friendship, before they turn made the transition to wander down. Fascinated observed he, like the skin to darken discolored and scaly skin to teeth lined up before the character once again jumped growling against the cage. The face of the guy was frozen into a mask frightened when he saw him afterwards. The brown-haired man standing, he did - with a slight amusement in his voice - announced that it was a kinship. And almost, almost the Furian would have laughed out loud.
1-0 for me


In the distance they could hear the whine of the creatures as they crept through the dark corridors of Krematoria, in search of their prey. A few meters away, she heard another prisoner breathe heavily panting. His excitement was like the blast of an explosion in the air, that thought Kyra, she could hear his heart beat up here.
This damn wimps. Sometimes she wondered really how it had this absolute total failure made it to Krematoria. Justice Center, which was responsible?
But while they are still presented to march in every courthouse the next quadrant, and show the judges even looked like a real criminal, again sounded the siren.
The large seizure was over.
And with a distant howling they heard the creature returned to their cages and the remaining prisoners collective sigh of relief.
joined in a single fluid movement out from the wall and turned left. The course was bathed in a dim twilight, but it was locked up here long enough, so that she could not move, even in the dim light like a cat. What
Riddick drove well at this moment? She was more than certain that he certainly had his fun with these beasts. They had him on a very strange way very similar - not only, as for their whitish shining eyes. Perhaps that was even the reason why she has so far missed them so well. If you could put up with someone like Riddick, then these animals were almost no reason for concern more. But only almost.
If they would only have these prison doctor with menthol cigarettes to bribe, as he had said, she would now this animal eyes, these animal-like aura.
But she had not. So that they would probably have to live, even if they remembered their old buddy Riddick since his arrival on Krematoria always a thing: She would never reach him. No matter how clever, agile and fast it was, and no matter how much they emulated him, it might well appear to be only one original. And that was not.
1-0 for him, she thought bitterly.

What you do, what you do
What's become of you?
What you do, what you do What's become of ...

Flip a coin flip a coin flip a coin
Yeah, heads I win, tails you loose Flip a coin
Flip a coin flip a coin
Yeah, heads I win, tails you loose

It reached the point of the Ganges where it led the rest to the right and turned off to the rocky playing fields, which one occupant was kind enough available. Since they are not quite sure what exactly they should do well, they paused a moment and sat down on a rock formation that had been carved by time into the stone walls. It was bad when the boredom as a constant companion, not letting go.
But now that Riddick was here, she would not so sure how long this state yet. Of course, she was fully aware that the occupants would soon get huge ship in front of him and team up against him. And if they then behind it came that there was a connection between him and Kyra ... Some would of you really like to find out at what sick thoughts that disturbed were capable, but on the other hand she had laid out often with them. Occasionally they had saved more luck than brains before they had taken on more than two of them. Lonely men could be very desperate - regardless of whether criminal or not. And that was an experience to which they could give thanks.
She quickly checked the soles of her boots. Well, the mechanism that hid the knife work boots, still.
"Hey, sweetie," say they heard a male voice. And she sounded slimy.
Kyra slowly lifted his eyes and saw four figures, they broke away from the shadows of the corridor and all with a sly smile came toward them.
If you talk of the devil!
These guys were just too transparent, especially when they were again found dead, not as Fresschen for the beasts. However, one could expect from the guards so no longer, than the other male character in this god-damned hole.
With all the rest she stroked a thick strand of hair from her face and looked at the monitor with a critical eye. Against Riddick she might have no chance, but these four sausages were really on closer inspection, no problem. She had not even throw a coin in order to be sure who would win this little argument.
Then let's play!


Riddick could feel that something was wrong. Maybe that was the reason why he wandered aimlessly through the aisles and was looking for something that confirmed his feelings. It was not difficult to , Imagine that the scene he found him, finally, not particularly liked. One of the guards had a rod placed at Kyra's neck, thereby making sure that they barely move, let alone breathe decently could. The other two - the unconscious, he was one of principle not - had a secure victory smile on the face and apparently already planned what they all could do with her. Well, they should still indulge in their fantasies, they would not come anyway so far.
"I do not like it to be touched" the Furian was announced before he entered the room. The audience saw it all at once surprised. The Under Exposed Idiots in front of him let go of Kyra, talked briefly and quietly turned to him then. Riddick's mouth twitched slightly amused as he thought of what do all he could with them and he took another sip of the tea, which he had bought himself. He had with these three anyway a little score to settle. No one laid hands in his presence at Kyra. Even if they could take care of themselves now. He would always in his own way trying to protect, whether they wanted it or not.
"Oh, and what happens in your little dream world if we do not? Will you kill us with your soup cup? "
That was really not a bad idea. If they have liked to see such a desire would He will meet you.
"tea. I will kill you with my teacup "he replied calmly as he drained the cup and placed it beside her on a stone.
Oh, the facial expressions. Simply wonderful. And this looks hectic, wonderful. What they should learn to speak but was definitely quieter. As if he had not heard that they could kill him while he later stood in the books. So stupid. If they really believed that they could defeat him, then they should try to be happy. It would be their death sentence, but apparently was not aware of them. to break a fast grip on the cup, a quick strike against the stone around the edges and then only a deliberate poke in the heart area and already had one less problem in the world. It was wonderful when things work so smoothly.
indiscriminately picking up something from the ground he saw the two remaining guards to amused. The pair him with a mixture of fear and disbelief and did not seem to know what to do it. A slight smirk spread on the face of Furian.
"Take the wounded and disappears," he growled softly. If they at least had a bit of intelligence, then they knew that it was the best for them. And apparently it was some life in this large, otherwise empty heads, because they took his advice actually at.
But as he cast a side glance to Kyra who just took the cup from the body of the dead guard, he knew that the actual game had just begun. And this time he was not sure who would be the winner.